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in Tipps, November 18, 2021

Mood enhancer for short days and long nights

When it gets uncomfortable outside, it should be all the more cozy inside. The magic word for this: indirect lighting. Our illuminated cubes feature - barely visible - LED strips in super warm white on the top inside. And the name lives up to its promise! You can regulate the lighting in 10 stages using the remote control and thus set your personal feel-good lighting level. A power cable runs through a small hole in the back wall, connecting the LEDs to a power supply unit.

This is how it works!

Simply check the "with light" box when purchasing a cube in the store or configurator. You will then receive the modules fully assembled. With our instructions, connecting to the power supply is also a breeze.

Please note that you will need an LED kit with remote control in addition to your Cube with light to be able to switch the light on and off. Up to six Cubes can be connected to one LED kit. You can add the LED kit to your order in the store.