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Our chests of drawers

Everything under one roof

Kategorien, Titelbild, Kommoden, doppel-Kommode, 2:3 Modul, Doppelte Breite mit Schubladen, Kaschmirgrau, beige

Sometimes it just has to be a drawer which you can throw your things into - and then close it again. Be it for towels, bed linen or socks. This means you can get control of the chaos in no time at all when you have spontaneous visitors! Our secret favorite: the stocubo changing unit, which - if life circumstances change - can be easily converted back into a normal chest of drawers.

Kategorien, Kommode im 2er-Set, 2:3 Modul, Doppelte Breite, Schublade, Decke, Buch, kaschmirgrau, beige, gelb, 3by2

Our most popular chests of drawers at a glance

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Want to see for yourself?

Sometimes you just want to feel the material and hold the colors against your own living room wall before you then decide on a particular combination of cubes. Simply order your stocubo sample kit now, consisting of a 1:1 cube, color samples of all our colors, and both an aluminum and a plastic clip.

Order your sample kit

This is how good our chest of drawers look in your home

Kooperationen, Inspiration, Blog, zu Besuch Bei, Kommode, 2-er Set, kaschmirgrau, Bilder, Vase, Kleid, blau, pink, grün

stocubo x Mary

Mary @stilinberlin is one of the first bloggers in Berlin. She moved two stocubo chest of drawers into her quietly located apartment in Berlin-Kreuzberg and tells us what she uses them for.

→ Read more

Konfigurator, Handy, Hand, Wohnzimmerregale, Halbe Tiefe, aprikot, vanillegelb, 3by2

Build up, rebuild,
and build again

Would you like to be able to design your very own individual shelf and adapt it to your needs, again and again? In our online configurator, you can try out the endless possibilities of our modular system.

Configure now

Frequently asked questions about our chests of drawers

How will my chest of drawers be delivered?

The individual chest of drawers modules are delivered fully assembled. Even the drawers are already ready, in addition you get plastic clips, aluminum clips and anti-slip pads to fix it all together. All you have to do is stack the modules and connect them with clips - there is no need for time-consuming and nerve-racking assembly of the individual modular chest of drawer elements.

Does the stocubo chest of drawers also suit small or narrow rooms?

We can say "yes" to this with full conviction. With a depth of 35.6 cm, the chest of drawers is relatively narrow and fits well even in smaller rooms or narrow hallways.

Can the stocubo dresser replace my closet?

It depends on your style of clothing. The dresser is good for underwear, socks and T-shirts. For crease-free suits or dresses, we recommend our clothing rack as a supplement.

Are the chests of drawers from stocubo sustainable?

We rely on high-quality material, more precisely: on break- and bend-resistant wood from PEFC-certified European forests. We build sustainable furniture by hand with this, in a very conscious and low-emission manufacturing process.

Do the drawers have a soft-close function?

Especially important for chests of drawers in the sleeping area: our innovative soft-close drawers. We promise that you can close your drawers smoothly, with no banging, and no noise.

Do I need base plates for my dresser?

Whether base plates are needed depends largely on your floor. If the chests of drawers are used on a completely flat surface, base plates are usually not necessary. With sloping floors and a chest of drawers combination, on the other hand, even the smallest unevenness and shifts in the floor will have an increased effect on the height and lead to a crooked construction. To counteract this, there are base plates with adjustable feet for our dresser.

I need more/less storage space - can I add extra drawers?

That's the great thing about our modular and endlessly growing shelf system: you can add drawers at any time. The chest of drawers can grow in height or you can add more drawers to the side and extend the chest of drawers horizontally. The drawers are connected with our innovative clip system - whether you choose for them to be visible in front, or clipped to the back of the drawers following the simple design, you can decide yourself.

Can I also use the individual chest of drawers modules in the lower part of a shelf/how much weight can they support?

Our chest of drawers modules, like our cubes, are made of 12 mm thin MDF boards and therefore have limited load-bearing capacity - especially if the modules above are not so wide and thus a lot of weight is concentrated in the middle. Therefore, we advise to stack the chest of drawers modules directly on top of each other, rather than staggered. However, if you want to stack several rows of other modules on top of it, we can install a reinforcement in the chest of drawers module on request. Do not hesitate to contact us!

What do the 2:2 modules consist of?

The stocubo chest of drawers modules consist of two horizontally stacked 2:1 modules, to which two upright 2:1 doors are attached on edge. You can combine the chest of drawers module with all stocubo cubes or - for a complete dresser - with other chest of drawers. Most of the assembly is already done in our workshop, so all you have to do during assembly is to fix the modules with the small connecting pins and click the doors into place.